Friday, March 12, 2010

Stories are a metaphor for life.

They make us question truth, find truth & they solve or create those unanswered questions we all carry around in our life backpack. As put marvellously by JK Rowling: "Unlike any other creature of this planet, human beings can learn & understand without having experienced. They can think themselves into other people's places."

They way you live your life crafts your story.

Everyday I live my life I am generating a new chapter of my life’s storybook. I want my storybook to live on, do good and most of all I want it to matter. Early on in my piece, my father, a worldly character, filled my mind with curiosity and induced me to question my purpose and my reason for being. Inbuilt in my subconscious was a flame, a purpose, a responsibility – I had to make a difference and I had to make the most of my time here. The chapters of my book continue to be filled and one day the book of my life will end. I want others to enjoy my storybook, be a part of my storybook ~ even after I am gone.

Every story is important. Even the small ones.

Imagine an article is written about your life in a magazine just after your death. What was your story? What have you been remembered for? How did your story make people feel?

Tell your story well. You never know who is listening.

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