Saturday, September 5, 2009

follow your heart

We all encounter moments of indecisiveness & often find it hard to make the right decision. A lovely man in America recently sat me down and shared with me a Buddhist theory~ our hearts are our second brains.

A simplistic way to find your intuition & make the right decision is to follow your heart. To find your intuition, recognize the front part of your skull is where the majority of your interpersonal communication is taking place. Imagine hundreds of strings drawing down your busy thoughts from the front part of your mind & resting in your heart. The right decision will be felt when you put your thoughts into your heart.

It takes a while to trust your intuition & do what you "feel" is right instead of what you "think" is right. It takes practice and confidence.

Try following your heart the next time you are making a decision. Keep a record of the outcome when you followed your heart or followed your thoughts.

I guarantee you always make the better decision when follow your heart.

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